The Miss and Teen are judged 50% interview, 25%
public speaking, and 25% evening gown competition. All other divisions are judged a 1 to
20 on Personality, Beauty, Poise, Gown, and Overall Appearance. No pageant experience is
necessary to compete in the Miss Georgia Forestry Pageant. The Miss Queen travels the
State of Georgia for one year in promoting Georgia's Number one Industry-Forestry
The Miss and Teen contestants can look forward to a fun filled weekend with
tours, a welcome reception sponsored by the Tifton-Tift County Tourism, a police motorcade, formal ball, and
a treefarm tour.
Queen will serve as the Ambassador for the Forestry Industry in
promoting the Forestry Commodity for the upcoming year. There will he a winner and four
runner-ups named in each division.
All queens: receive monetary prizes as well as nice gifts.
Tentative Schedule
(Complete schedule will be mailed after we receive all the
Teen and Miss Division: Thursday, June 15, 2017 check in with a reception that evening and a motorcade.
Friday and Saturday, June 16 and 17, 2017 interviews beginning around 9:00 A.M.
Competition Saturday night, June 17, 2017 around 6:00 P.M. and a formal ball on Friday, June 16, 2017 at
7:00 P.M.
Little and Junior Miss competition on Saturday, June 10, 2017.
Teeny and Tiny competition on Friday, June 9, 2017.
Entry fees for Teeny, Tiny, Little, and Junior $130.00 plus 4 $25.00 good luck ads.
Entry Fees
Teen Miss $155.00 plus 4 $25.00 goodluck ads and $20.00 T-shirt (Mandatory)
T-shirts will be worn in motorcade and to the reception.
Miss $180.00 plus T-shirt $20.00 (Mandatory) plus 4 $25.00 good luck ads
Optional Photogenic.- $25.00 per picture -one winner named
Optional Prettiest Dress: $25.00 one winner named
Optional Best Personality: $25.00 one winner named Optional Prettiest Smile: $25.00
one winner named Prettiest Face: $25.00 one winner named
Optional Miss Forestry Hospitality:
Collect the most money for overall People's Choice
Mail along with application and check payable to .
. .
Miss Georgia Forestry Pageant
and Educational Association, Inc.
Miss Georgia Forestry Pageant,
1019 Love Avenue, Tifton, Ga. 31794
The Miss Georgia Forestry Pageant was started in 1940 to offer
educational opportunities to young ladies while promoting Georgia's number one
Industry-FORESTRY. The Miss Georgia Forestry Pageant is in the 72nd year. |